Monday, October 31, 2005

Oh man, Jesus Car is at it again: 40 doughnuts on the Sea of Galilee and then off to spray wiper fluid all over a whore's feet! Blessed are the meek, for BEEP BEEP VROOOOOOM!

"Billy, don't cry! Peacewing didn't die at all! He's right here, safe and sound."

"Ever hear that Limp Bizkit song 'Dovefucker?' Yeah. It's not a real song, but I'm sure gonna fuck this dove."

In order to prevent fluid loss and beak shear, you've got to divide up the take before you leave the field. For example, in this pile you've got the dead doves, over here are the mostly-dead doves, and these are the doves that that neighbor kid with beard is gonna have to finish off on the way home.

"Every day, I leave one of these in each of the toilets at work. That's the Merril Lynch difference: smart investment; toilet doves."

Now, as I am thus far the only player of the game, I give you this week's word:



I have created this blog with a game in mind, the rules to which are as follows:

1. Each week, a single word is selected by one of the players of the game (the order of selection will progress alphabetically.) This word is posted to the blog.

2. Each player performs a Google Image Search with the pre-selected word as at least one of the search terms. Each player then selects one or more of the images that he/she finds and adds some sort of caption or dialogue to it, by whatever means are available.

3. The captioned pictures are posted to the blog for everyone to see.

4. We all laugh and laugh and forget that we're going to die, someday.

This is my special game. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A CHAMPION?