Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Novokuznetsk Regional Theater Company Presents: Fosse!

"Fans will be excited to learn that beloved bounty hunter, Boba Fett, will be making an appearance in the upcoming Episode I! In this exclusive teaser scene, the bellicose Fett shrieks absolute gibberish at Peepee Doopoo Cock-O 26 (Office Manager of the Comptrollers Guild) and then gets fucked by a little, CGI turtle-man who seems to be Jewish. Wow! If this is any indication, these films will be every bit as exciting and innovative as the originals!"

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Dusty Little Dolphin rides again

The Dolphin is back. Look, we're just going to do it, okay? Also, after some discussion, Fetus and I propose the following modification to the rules: A new word shall be selected when a week has passed AND at least N posts for that word have been made, where N is the number of players in the game. This way you're always guaranteed to get some hilarious Internet pictures for a particular word, no matter how busy people are / how much they are bored with this stupid fucking game.

This week's word is:
